About Me--click photo

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Eldora, Iowa, United States
Hello- welcome to my blog. My name is Tom Christopher and I have been a landscape artist for many years. I enjoy painting scenes near my home in rural Eldora, Iowa. I am a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America and a Charter Member of the Pastel Society of Iowa.

2013 Workshops


1. May 4 and 5...Maquoketa Art association. Maquoketa Iowa.
2. May 18 and 19 Des Moines Art Center. Des Moines Iowa
3..September 12,13,and 14 Eurekas Springs Art center
Eurekea Springs Ar.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

2 hour pastel demo number 2

In this demo I am using a 28x22 inch sheet of Uart pastel paper 400 grit mounted on black gator foam. The pastels are Terry Ludwid, Mt Vision, and nupastel. The total painting time was 1 hour 53 minutes. Keep in mind I will still need to touch up areas of the painting that are unresolved.

After years of working in pastels I am becoming more aware of the imortance of light in creating drama and interest.


  1. It appears that you use a color reference photo in addition to a grayscale version. Is this your usual approach to a studio painting?

  2. Hi Marianne--yes, I always print off a B/W photo to use a reference for the initial vlaue stage.. The color photo is for reference only. I very seldom use the same colors as the photo. However it helps when depicting the right temperature of the piece. thanks tom

  3. Thanks for the tip. Beautiful painting!
